Why the Lintz Brothers Believe in Decentralized Social Media
Social media networks offer a way for people to connect with friends, brands, and influencers. However, there’s a growing mistrust of platform owners due to the amount of information these entities hold. Social media profiles are attached to email addresses, phone numbers, and other identifiers.
There’s no doubt about the benefits of social platforms for people and brands alike, but sensitive user information needs to be protected. This is where decentralized social media comes in. Users can control their personal information again, and brands and influencers can still deliver targeted ads and content.
Here are a few reasons why many professionals, such as Jordan, Luke, and Jackson Lintz of HighKey Enterprises, believe decentralized social media is the future of social networks.
Freedom to Create Content
There will not be a centralized entity that controls the media delivered to users with a decentralized social platform. As a result, creators will not be censored, and their content will not be overlooked due to algorithm biases of the platform.
The only decentralized social platform is called BitClout and it enables creators to deliver content that uniquely represents their brand or personal image. With this type of network, prominent social personalities are free to create content they believe in and that their followers love.
Money in the Pocket of the Creator
To advertise on networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, advertisers have to pay money to these entities. By pushing for decentralized networks, this money will be returned to the person or group to whom it really belongs: the content creator.
Jordan, Luke, and Jackson Lintz have launched and invested in HighKey Coin on BitClout because they believe creators should be fairly and directly compensated for the valuable content they create. As Luke points out, a social media personality could “spend six, seven, or eight figures on a platform like Instagram, and then they still don’t own any part of the following base they have grown.”
The Lintz brothers then explain that this is where decentralization comes into play: creators on BitClout have full ownership of their creator coins, meaning any money invested in the coins is invested in their brand.
The co-founders of HighKey Enterprises believe so much in the power that cryptocurrencies give businesses that they have already invested over $1 million into BitClout and their HighKey Coin. And as BitClout scales, they plan on investing over 50% of their total profits with their operating companies back into BitClout.
The Lintz brothers are passionate about building out the BitClout community and believe this starts with brands and social media personalities investing in themselves through social coins. To bring awareness to the value of BitClout, HighKey Coin has been hosting giveaways sponsored by celebrities on BitClout.
Increased Engagement and Support
A social platform with cryptocurrency not only puts money back into creators’ pockets but also allows these users to encourage more engagement.
Brands and individuals can have followers purchase their coins to be able to vote on upcoming content and participate in giveaways. In addition, these prominent personalities could also use the coins to control who has access to them. For example, they could have followers purchase a certain number of coins before commenting or directly messaging the influencer.
Taking Back Control of Social Media
Getting control of social networks requires taking action, such as investing in decentralized social media platforms. Elite branding agency partners Jordan, Luke, and Jackson Lintz feel that BitClout is leading the way to better social media experiences “because there are literally endless possibilities of what BitClout can lead into as an initial social media beta and as the first digital currency to enter the social media realm.”
Follow the lead of the Lintz brothers and invest in your own coin, then invest in other promising personalities, such as Bella Thorne, and Antonio Brown.
If you want to keep up with HighKey Enterprises and their partnerships, follow their BitClout here.