The right age to start singing, explanations from Reza Sajedi, a famous Iranian singer

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When is the right age to start singing? This question is asked by many readers. In answer to this question, it can be said that there is no universal age to start reading because the appropriate age for reading for various reasons such as: physiological conditions and growth of the body, technical and professional advances and experience of people. needs.

Many readers ask the question, what is the right age to start singing? In fact, there are many methods that singers use to improve their voice. But does good sound come with age? At what age do you think singers reach the peak of their good voice? Does puberty affect sound and singing?

Human voice is changed by various factors. Aging causes various changes such as physical changes, puberty and.. Which all affect the sound changes. There are various rumors about aging that some people say the right age to start singing is older. Do not pay attention to these rumors. Aging will not improve your voice. In fact, what is effective in improving your voice is the experience and exercises that will give you a beautiful voice over time. The voice of human beings in life changes in different ways and it is not possible to determine the exact time to reach the peak of the right voice or to start singing. Puberty does not occur in individuals at a specific time and varies from person to person. Therefore, it can be said that the appropriate age to start professional singing varies from person to person, because people improve their voice by using the experiences they gain as well as the exercises they do in different years, and these experiences depend on It also has to do with the talents of the people, which is why the appropriate age for starting professional singing varies from person to person.

Short biography of Reza Sajedi

Reza Sajedi ( رضا ساجدی )  is a famous Iranian singer and pop musician. Reza has released many official music that can be found in a short search in global markets.

Reza was born on September 30, 1995. His full name is Reza Sajedi Abkenar. He entered the field of music at the age of 13 and studied pop with the country’s top professors.