The launch of OpenAI’s Voice Mode has been delayed until July

The company behind Chatgpt, OpenAI, announced on Tuesday that it was pushing back the launch of its “Voice Mode” feature until July due to technical difficulties. The business stated that it was postponing the realistic voice chat experience for Chatgpt Plus members because it required more time to meet launch standards. Originally, the service was scheduled to launch in late June to a limited number of users.

The company that created Chatgpt, OpenAI, announced on Tuesday that it was pushing back the debut of its “Voice Mode” feature until July due to technical difficulties.

The company announced that it was delaying the deployment to satisfy its launch criteria. Originally, the realistic voice chat experience was supposed to be introduced to a limited group of Chatgpt Plus users in late June.

To better identify and reject specific content, for instance, we’re enhancing the model’s detection capabilities. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance user experience, we’re also getting our infrastructure ready to handle millions of users and still provide real-time responses “OpenAI wrote on social media site X.

The service will be made available to all Plus members in the fall, pending safety and dependability inspections, after being initially made available to a select sample of customers to collect feedback, according to the business.

Improved screen-sharing and video capabilities are also being developed by OpenAI.

In May, the company declared that it would launch a new AI model called GPT-4o as part of its latest attempt to hold onto its advantage in the race to control emerging AI technology. Along with having realistic vocal chats, this model can communicate both visually and textually.

With the help of the new audio features, users will be able to stop Chatgpt mid-sentence and speak with it in real-time, two features that AI voice assistants have found difficult to achieve in realistic discussions.