In India, Amazon unveiled the Echo Spot, a smart alarm clock with Alexa built in. Featuring a unidirectional speaker and customizable features, the device is designed to enhance both functionality and convenience. The Echo Spot features a colorful display, four new alarm sounds, and up to eight customisable clock faces.

Equipped with a 2.83-inch touch screen, the Echo Spot’s display supports six color themes, enabling users to personalize its appearance. It can display the time, weather updates, and song titles, with a built-in night mode to ensure easy viewing even in low light. With its 1.73-inch front-firing speaker, the Echo Spot can stream music, podcasts, and audiobooks from well-known providers including JioSaavn, Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music.

The device includes buttons on the top for adjusting the volume, although users can also simply ask Alexa to control it. The Echo Spot easily connects with other smart home appliances, enabling users to program Alexa routines to utilize voice commands to automate everyday chores. Routines can be customized using the Alexa app by selecting either pre-set options or creating new ones. Additionally, with Ultrasound Motion Detection, the Echo Spot can trigger routines such as turning on compatible lights or playing music upon detecting motion in the room.

Alexa’s voice functionality extends to making audio calls to other Alexa-enabled devices, sending household announcements, or using the Drop In feature to communicate across multiple devices within the home. For added privacy, the Echo Spot includes a microphone on/off button and the ability to view and delete voice recordings.

The Echo Spot costs ₹8,999 and comes in black and blue color options. It can be bought on Amazon, Blinkit, and Croma. However, as part of an introductory offer, it is currently retailing for ₹6,449 for a limited time.

Parag Gupta, Director and Country Manager for Amazon Devices India, highlighted the device’s utility, stating, “With the Echo Spot, we aim to deliver greater convenience and comfort to our customers’ lives. From waking up to their favorite music to controlling smart home devices or checking the weather and calendar—all through simple voice commands—this device is designed to integrate seamlessly into their daily routines.”