Entering the real estate industry is a dream for many; there are countless rewards and opportunities to seize. And that’s because of all the different directions one can go, like investing, becoming an agent, or even building properties. No matter what individuals end up choosing, what matters is their work ethic. There are so many people in real estate that if they don’t dedicate themselves to their careers, then their chances at success will go right to someone else.

Finding the strategies that work can involve a lot of trial and error, though that process is what makes the foundations for a strong brand. Ralph DiBugnara, founder and CEO of The Real Estate Disruptors Network, recognized this and has partnered with fellow entrepreneur Eulogio Medina to create a reality TV show focusing on the stories of successful individuals within the industry.

Their show is set to release on January 21, 2021, and will be airing a new episode each week, with a total of 12 episodes. They will be following the lives of a range of entrepreneurs, investors, interior designers, and philanthropists to give viewers an insight into what it takes to build a brand. Some of these individuals include Vanessa DeLeon, Lynn Hazan, Jordan and Luke Lintz, Anthony Delgado, Raphael Vargas, Sickamore, Hovain, Paul Getter, and Anthony Lolli.

Each of these people started from nothing, but with dedication, hard work, and consistency, they built themselves empires. Ralph and Eulogio want to show viewers the reality of being an entrepreneur in the real estate industry and what it takes to establish oneself and begin the journey toward success. They’ll be offering not only a window into the lives of people who have accomplished that, but will also be sharing the strategies and methods that were used to do so.

The show will be completely unscripted and 100% authentic, showing only the true stories of struggle and success that everyone has gone through. Think of it as a reality show, documentary, and coaching seminar rolled into one. Their goal isn’t to focus on the money and fame that these individuals have, but to understand how they came to have it so that their advice can be shared with newcomers to the industry.

All 12 episodes will be available on all major video streaming platforms, including Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Roku, and YouTube. By the time the first episode comes out, The Disruptors Network will also have their free app available in the Google Play and App Stores, where viewers can watch at no extra cost.

Since starting The Real Estate Disruptors Network, Ralph has scaled it incredibly, and we wish him the best as he continues his newest venture. To learn more about Ralph, find him on Instagram at @dibug, or head over to TheRealEstateDisruptors.com.