Astronomers have detected dancing supermassive black holes because of bright lights detected by NASA telescopes

Two powerful telescopes have recently detected the closest pair of supermassive black holes ever observed, located just 300 light-years apart. These black holes, residing in the center of colliding galaxies known as MCG-03-34-64, were spotted through different wavelengths using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope. Although black Read more…

A Secretive Item in Profound Space Has Flickered Like clockwork for North of 30 Years

A seriously attractive neutron star around 15,000 light-years from Earth is baffling space experts with its ultra significant stretches, releasing radio waves into the universe like clockwork. Neutron stars with serious attractive fields are called magnetars. Presently, 22-minute durations might sound generally regular in Natural time scales, however most magnetars Read more…