Our bodies require more hydrating foods and beverages as the temperature rises in order to stay cool and stay energised. Of all the seasonal treats, lychee is a clear winner. This little, juicy fruit is indigenous to China and is a veritable nutritional powerhouse in addition to being a delicious delight.

Hydration and cooling effects

The high water content of lychee, which comprises roughly 82% of the fruit, is one of its most important advantages. Because of this, lychee is a great option for staying hydrated during the summer. In order to sustain metabolic processes, regulate body temperature, and avoid dehydration-related problems including headaches, exhaustion, and dry skin, it is essential to drink enough water throughout the summer.

Rich in vitamin C

Lychee is an excellent source of vitamin C; a 100-gram serving supplies over 100% of the daily required amount. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis, iron absorption, and the development and repair of bodily tissues. Furthermore, it is essential for strengthening the immune system, which is especially helpful in the summer when our bodies may be more vulnerable to infections and heat-related disorders.

Antioxidant properties

Lychee, which is rich in flavonoids and other antioxidants, helps against oxidative stress brought on by free radicals. Antioxidants play a critical role in mitigating inflammation, averting cell damage, and decreasing the likelihood of chronic illnesses like cancer and heart disease.

Skin health

Lychee’s high water content along with its abundance of antioxidants can work wonders for your skin. While antioxidants aid in preventing the harmful effects of UV radiation and environmental contaminants, hydrated skin appears more youthful and plump. Furthermore, lychee’s vitamin C promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is essential for preserving skin suppleness and minimising ageing symptoms.

Digestive health

Lychee is an excellent source of nutritional fibre, which facilitates digestion and helps avoid constipation, a common problem during the hot summer months when our intake of water and food may vary. Fibre promotes a healthy gut microbiota and aids in the regulation of bowel motions. In addition, lychee is a mild and efficient way to support digestive health because it includes natural sugars and water.

Weight management

Lychee is a low-calorie fruit that can fulfil sweet cravings without packing on too many calories for people watching their weight. Its natural sugars provide you a quick energy boost, while its high fibre content makes you feel fuller and less likely to go for bad snacks.

Heart health

Because lychee contains potassium, it is good for heart health. Potassium is necessary to keep the heart healthy and control blood pressure. It lowers the risk of hypertension and improves cardiovascular health by assisting the body in maintaining a balanced salt level. When paired with a nutritious diet and regular exercise, lychee consumption can help to maintain a healthy heart.

Bone health

In addition, lychee has a number of vital minerals that are important for strong, healthy bones, including copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. These minerals aid in the development and strength of bones, which is crucial during the summer months when increased physical activity can put more stress on the joints and bones.

Boosts metabolism

Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folates are among the B-complex vitamins found in lychee that are essential for metabolic functions. These vitamins promote cerebral function, increase overall metabolic efficiency, and aid in the conversion of food into energy.