Digestion problems frequently get worse during the monsoon season for a variety of reasons. Food and water contamination results from the increased humidity and temperature swings that foster bacterial development. This contamination can lead to gastrointestinal tract infections, which can manifest as nausea, bloating, cramping in the stomach, and diarrhoea.

Additionally, during the rainy season, individuals frequently eat more street food and indulge in spicy or oily cuisine, which can aggravate stomach issues. Typhoid and cholera are two diseases that damage the digestive system and are spread by poor sanitation and hygiene practices.

Prioritising hygiene is essential to reducing these problems. You should always wash your hands, drink boiled or filtered water, and choose freshly cooked food over raw or leftovers. Probiotics, such yoghurt, can be included in your diet to support gut health, and symptoms can be managed with herbal medicines like ajwain water or ginger tea.

People can reduce their chance of experiencing digestive issues during the monsoon and have a healthier season by being aware of these variables and taking preventive action.

Ginger tea: Digestion is one of the benefits of ginger. To create ginger tea, bring a few fresh ginger slices to a boil in water. To assist ease indigestion and calm the stomach, drink it warm.

Ajwain (Carom seeds) water: Indian cuisine frequently uses ajwain seeds, which have carminative qualities that facilitate digestion. Pour a cup of water over a teaspoon of ajwain seeds, let it steep, then drain and sip it warm.

Fennel seeds: After eating, chew on a teaspoon of fennel seeds (Saunf). By increasing the production of digestive fluids and decreasing bloating, fennel seeds aid in digestion.

Lemon water: Add a dash of salt and half a lemon’s juice to a glass of warm water. Consume this blend first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to aid in digestion and aid in the body’s detoxification.

Buttermilk: One natural probiotic that helps with digestion is buttermilk. To calm the stomach, have a glass of buttermilk flavoured with a little salt and a pinch of roasted cumin powder after meals.

Bananas: Bananas aid in electrolyte replenishment and are simple to digest. When feeling queasy in the stomach, eat a ripe banana to help settle the stomach.

Mint leaves: Pudina, or mint leaves, are calming and help with nausea and indigestion. A few fresh mint leaves can be chewed on or steeped in hot water to produce mint tea.

Cumin water: The benefits of cumin (jeera) seeds for digestion are well-known. To relieve bloating and gas, bring a cup of water to a boil with a teaspoon of cumin seeds, filter and drink warm.

Aloe vera juice: The digestive system can be calmed and healed by aloe vera juice. To support digestive health, take one daily serving of a little amount of aloe vera juice (approximately 2-3 tablespoons) mixed with water.