Full description of the composition process from the language of Shahrokh Kiavash, famous Iranian singer, composer and musician

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What is song setting?

What you hear in a song, including the arrangement and structure of instruments such as drums, piano, guitar, and so on, is called tuning. Arranging a song is a long process to create a musical structure on the lyrics and melody, which is an important part of the impact of a piece. In fact, tuning a song should be done with the knowledge of what the content of the song is. For example, if the poem and melody you want is happy and the purpose of presenting it is to create a positive feeling in the listener, the arrangement of the song should inspire the same feeling many times more to the listener or vice versa. So the result is that everything you hear except the lyrics and melody in a piece is the work of arranging the song. The tuning of the template is done by the composing host software, which will provide you with many features, including VST and a composing plugin to improve the quality of the piece.

Let’s talk a little bit about regulators, who are the regulators?

A professional arranger should be fully acquainted with the types of instruments in terms of the type of playing as well as its general structure, as well as familiarity with the musical notes, which can be combined according to the melody and lyrics of the required instruments including drums, piano and… Give; And even if the instrument is to be recorded live on that piece, a professional arranger must know how, when the musician starts playing and how it ends, and he or she tells how each instrument is played and the division of a What is the song like? Here we mean the division of a song into sections according to which the overall structure of the work is arranged. For example, the preference section is a part of a song that is performed and repeated in parts of a piece differently from other parts.

Given the above, it will definitely be more important for you to choose a good regulator; And this will double my commitment (Shahrokh Kiavash) to you music lovers. With the help of professional composers and arrangements, Betistan will give you the assurance that it is the best choice, both in terms of cost and time, and of course, the highest quality output. Because he values ​​your point of view and work and has a special respect for your interests and tastes.