Explanations on how to be a good composer from Mr. Hadi Borhan, a popular Iranian artist and musician

Hadi Borhan is a famous Iranian poet, composer, musician and singer born on April 3, 1993.
In the following, Hadi Borhan offers some explanations about becoming a good composer.
Make sure you are the center of attention: you need to work with confidence and put your name on a piece of music. Keep talking about yourself and your musical achievements.
Unlike playing musical instruments – which is hard enough – writing music requires your emotions and state of mind. Composing also gives you a lasting impression of how you feel when you write music. Here are some composing ideas to help you become a better composer and arranger:
Movement: Some people come up with ideas as they walk – this is an old trick. Beethoven walks every morning before writing a song.
Small Melodies: A melodic motif (the smallest melodic component), which is usually a combination of two chords, can transform your composition. Always pay attention to these small melodies.
Relationships: Songs are usually made up of two chords that reveal melody, mood, or both when moving back and forth.
Consider the drawbacks: Where is the climax of this song? Where did you start and where do you want to go?
Consider the final mentality of your work: how this song makes you feel and how you feel in the end.
Combine songs: For example, move the end of the song to the beginning.
At the end of the day, consider the basics: see how easily you can progress.
Sing a song: Sing the song you wrote aloud. This will make you better understand the strengths and weaknesses.
A composer is a person who composes music. A composer is, in fact, a music writer who writes his or her intellectual ideas in the form of music, fully immersed in the science of music. Composing is not about composing a melody or only attributing the title of composer to the pieces of music he composed; Rather, the composer, like any other scientific profession, must be educated in music education centers or must have various musical sciences, including conducting, orchestration, arrangement, harmony, polyphony, counterpoint, etc., which are required for composing.