Elon Musk, Paris Hilton $250 Million Massive “PicasSOL” NFT Purchase At Picassol’s Private Auction. Anyone Can Mint Soon

Many celebrities have been exposed due to Elon Musk’s tweet which none knew what it meant until recently “Picassol NFT Project” revealed itself. Picassol NFT Project was planned to start later, meaning right now is the earliest time to join, but Elon Musk’s Tweet has exposed “Paris Hilton” and many more celebrities forcing Picassol NFT Project to become public.
“Who else is waiting? PicasSol Auction” a tweet by Elon Musk deleted right after posting it. Thousands have seen it but none really knew what he was talking about. However, many reporters and News Company have discovered the secret and the meaning of his tweet.
Because of Elon’s Tweet, many celebrities have now been revealed. Some of these celebrities mistakenly who exposed their identity include: Sandra Bullock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson, Daniel Radcliffe, Elon Musk and Paris Hilton.
So what is “Picassol NFT and it’s Private Auction”?
“Picassol Solana NFT Project” began the preparation for “The Private Auction” since January 2021 and they been working almost a year until the mint launch in December 2021.
The expected sell out time is less than a second (They have announced that they will place a fair minting system for everyone)
Currently, Solana price rising was all due to this Private Auction by Picassol. 6000+ VIPs are eagerly waiting for this auction, where they want to spend all their Solana buying “already minted NFTs” for average $5 Million and up to $90 Million.
Elon Musk and Paris Hilton prepared $250 million Solana “each” to purchase as many NFTs at “Picassol’s Private Auction” since Picassol’s Private Auction was approaching. This explains the massive increment of SOL.
Many NFT investors have sensed that there might be a huge opportunity from this NFT that prepared for a year to launch the mint date. While Elon Musk and 6000+ VIPs will be making money, anybody who “mint” will all also make money, turning into a wealthy crypto-struck multi-millionaire.
Without saying too much, “PicasSOL” or “Picassol” is an NFT Project on the Solana blockchain network that started January 2021 and has been “Strictly Confidential” until lately “Elon Musk” tweeted. Since the inception of the Picassol NFT project, it was recorded that “VIP Buyers” have increased to over 6,000+ NFT Collectors, who include crypto-millionaires with net worths in billions of dollars world-famous billionaires, CEOs of global businesses, and even celebrities.
However, Picassol NFT Project was “intended to be completely confidential and can only be joined through referrals.” The planning has been strictly away from the public.
Still, confused about what picassol NFT is? What is this “Private Auction” and can I actually make $4 Million to $6 Million if I can just mint?
The answer is “Yes, that is average and easily up to $60 Million US Dollars”. For more information about the Picassol NFT, it can be found very detail on their Discord Channel”.
It will be very difficult to understand the system, but in short version, for the Picassol NFT private Auction to be successful, three separate parties must help and collaborate; They are:
- NFT Minters. (Can be you in December 2021)
- 6000+ VIP Buyers (Elon Musk, Paris Hilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger… and billionaires)
- Picassol Team. (about 180 specialists)
The Picassol NFT Auction has been designed to ensure that “all three parties earn extreme amount of money in SOL (Solana)”.
Many general people who couldn’t mint are offering to buy for several millions already, as its 50% chance to sell for $5 Million. The lowest is in 5 digits and the highest is just below 9 digits in USD.
Its going to be very difficult later when Discord NFT giveaways are starting to disappear. The mint cost is only $50, but all 19,000 NFTs are expected to be sold out in 1 second.
The experts expectedtheir “Sell Out Time” will be less than 1 second. But, that 1 second can get you “$5 Million” in average, “minimum 5 digits” and “maximum $90 Million” USD for single NFT.
However, right now is the earliest of the earliest. They are giving away many free NFTs for just inviting your Discord or Twitter friends.
Also, they are giving their free NFTs randomly to many online Discord users every week. Follow their Twitter to help your odds of getting free NFT.
This important information will be repeated again, read it carefully. As long as a user is online on their Discord, they are “randomly” giving away free NFTs. What does user have to lose for just joining their Discord?
Official website: picassol.io Official Discord: discord.com/invite/P7Zpp9wQ7d
Official Twitter: twitter.com/Picassol_NFT
One day, you might just wake up with a free NFT and maybe that NFT will sell for the maximum price of $90 Million for a single NFT.