Boost Your Day with This 6-Minute Yoga Practice

Published by Shivani Bhore on


Due to busy schedules and exhaustion, leading a healthy lifestyle can be difficult in today’s fast-paced society. Nonetheless, implementing quick and efficient yoga poses in the morning can help increase vitality and enhance general health, making it simpler to maintain an active and attentive schedule all day.

A complete approach to wellbeing is provided by yoga, an age-old discipline renowned for its mental and physical advantages.


When you practice cat and cow stance together, it helps to warm up your body and prepare it for the rest of your hectic day. The soft flow relaxes the mind, promotes digestion, eases tension, and increases spinal flexibility. Maintain knees just below hips and hands shoulder-width apart. Tilt the pelvis up like a cow and inhale while bringing the head down and bending the lower back. Take a long breath out and bring the head and pelvis down like a cat, arching the spine and tucking the abdomen in.

Mukha Adho Svanasana

Stretch your legs and spine, raise your hips, and place your palms on the floor. Maintaining this pose helps the spine, shoulders, and core while strengthening the entire body, increasing flexibility, and relieving fatigue.

Inhaling Deeply

Finally, spend one more minute in meditation and deep breathing to round off your six-minute yoga session. Sit with your legs crossed, breathe in and out gently, keep your posture straight, and let your body to relax. It will lower blood pressure, lessen anxiety, assist manage stress, and enhance general wellbeing.

Matsyendrasana Ardha

With one hand on the other knee, sit cross-legged and twist your torso gently. This posture eases tension, supports detoxification, eases digestion, and increases spinal flexibility.

The Tadasana

This pose improves body awareness, balance, and posture. To start this pose, stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart, your arms relaxed, and your back straight. Breathe deeply, extend your arms high, and raise your gaze. Additionally, this pose strengthens the core and legs.

The Uttanasana

Keeping your legs straight, bend forward from the waist and attempt to touch your toes. By extending the hamstrings, calves, and spine, this position enhances flexibility, builds muscle, soothes the nervous system, and aids in digestion.