`To overcome any challenge, narrow down the problem to exactly what it is, then acquire the knowledge to solve it if you do not have it already. Then be persistent and it will be solved. ` Above statement are words by a 21-year-old entrepreneur Pratham Waghmare who is currently the founder and CEO of` RedFire Digital Media a company that assists businesses in the US get more customers using sales funnels and Facebook ads. Being the youngest internet marketer in India, Pratham Waghmare has made a name in the field that is mostly dominated by people in their 30s and 40s. He has also been featured in International Business Times as the Asia’s youngest funnel expert.
Currently residing in Pune, Maharashtra the young tycoon spreads knowledge to people who want to create a business online by teaching them how to build their own Marketing Agency. Achieving excellence at building business strategies associated with online marketing, he is inspired by Tai Lopez a certified financial planner who later on became the founder advisor and mentor for more than 20 multi-million-dollar businesses. Pratham suggests `Think And Grow Rich` a book written by Napoleon Hill which works as a mind opener for all who want to succeed in life.
There`s another side Pratham`s life as well as he is also a world-class speedcuber and can solve a Rubik`s cube in less than 8 – 9 seconds. He has participated in around 21 competitions including Hyderabad cube open 2019, Pune cube open 2018, Indian Nationals 2018, Rubik`s cube Mumbai open 2017 and has won gold and silver medals in this field. Being an all-rounder Pratham is a source of inspiration for all young students. He advises people to choose their career wisely, being proactive and aware of where to go and reach in life.
Moving ahead to help people become successful in their lives, Pratham sees himself in the future as someone being a major turning point in people`s life. The idea of not going to work to a physical location and working from anywhere in the world inspired Pratham to choose the career of online marketing and become what he is today. Working on his own for 4 years, he considers being efficient as one of the major factors in his journey of success. Not worried about any failures or success in future Pratham enjoys the journey and is always focused on new trends, following mentors, and studying where the world is heading.
Entrepreneurship is all about achieving big going through all the obstacles and thus its well said by the young entrepreneur ` It does not matter what is true, only what you believe is true because with work it will become true.`