Fashion designer and actor Masaba Gupta recently celebrated her baby shower, a joyful event hosted by none other than Sonam Kapoor at Anil Kapoor’s Mumbai residence. Masaba, along with her husband, actor Satyadeep Misra, is eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child, a pregnancy they announced via Instagram in April this year. The baby shower, graced by Masaba’s close friends and family, including her mother, Neena Gupta, was a memorable occasion, with the decor dominated by shades of brown and beige.

Masaba looked radiant in a light brown gown, perfectly complementing the earthy tones of the party’s theme. Guests, too, adhered to the color scheme, donning outfits in brown, beige, and cream, which added a warm, cohesive aesthetic to the gathering. The celebration was not just a visual treat but also filled with heartfelt moments. A highlight of the event was Neena Gupta’s humorous speech, where she playfully commented on the dressing choices of Masaba’s friends and Satyadeep, who took it all in good spirits, laughing along with the crowd.

The party’s decor featured golden balloons, lush greenery, and an abundance of white flowers, creating an elegant and serene atmosphere. Photos from the event, especially those of Masaba posing with Sonam, Rhea Kapoor, and other friends, quickly made their way to social media, where Masaba expressed her gratitude for the love and effort put into the celebration. She specifically praised Sonam and Rhea, calling them the “best hosts ever” and feeling fortunate to have them by her side during this special time.

Masaba and Satyadeep, who tied the knot in January last year, have been in a relationship since 2020, having met on the set of her show “Masaba Masaba.” Their pregnancy announcement in April was met with widespread joy and congratulations from fans and well-wishers. In a heartfelt Instagram post, Masaba shared images of the couple, one of which showed them seated on the floor, and accompanied it with the caption, “In other news – Two tiny feet are headed to join us! Please send love, blessings and banana chips (plain salted ONLY)… baby on board… mom and dad.”

Neena Gupta also shared her excitement on Instagram, echoing the happiness and anticipation of becoming a grandmother. “Humare bacchon ka baccha aane Wala hai,” was her caption. expressed the joy and pride she feels as she looks forward to welcoming the newest member of the family.