Traditional medical practices have employed moringa leaves to treat conditions like anaemia, stomach issues, and conjunctivitis. Additionally, they assist manage diabetes by regulating blood pressure and blood glucose levels, as well as providing support to nursing moms by boosting milk production. You can consume the leaves raw, roasted, or ground into a powder.

Protein: Protein keeps the skin, blood, and immune systems healthy and is necessary for the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. Protein found in moringa leaves ranges from 10.74 to 30.29 percent, supporting many body processes like muscular building and tissue repair.

Amino acids: The body is unable to manufacture some important amino acids, which are abundant in moringa leaves. These amino acids support your overall health by being essential for muscle growth, protein synthesis, and neurotransmitter function.

Provitamin A: Beta-carotene, found in high concentrations in moringa leaves, is converted by the body into vitamin A. This vitamin is essential for immune system support, skin health promotion, and preserving good vision.

Omega-3: The omega-3 fatty acids found in moringa leaves are good for cardiovascular health. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, and heart-healthy properties.

Omega-6: Moringa leaves are also a good source of omega-6 fatty acids, which enhance brain function and assist to control cholesterol levels, both of which are linked to cardiovascular health.