7 Ayurvedic Morning Drinks to Naturally and Non-Medically Lower High Uric Acid Levels

A consequence of eating foods and beverages high in purines is uric acid. Normally, our bloodstream dissolves this waste product, which is then eliminated by urine. But health issues occur when our body produces too much of it or is unable to eliminate it effectively.

High Uric Acid: What Is It? You have more uric acid in your blood than is normal when you have hyperuricemia, also known as high uric acid. This could be caused by a number of factors, including your diet, genetic predisposition, obesity, underlying medical disorders, and even specific drugs you may be on. Furthermore, elevated levels of uric acid have the potential to initiate the development of crystals in your joints, leading to swelling, inflammation, and discomfort—a condition commonly referred to as gout.

What Causes High Uric Acid?

High uric acid levels may be caused by a number of things, such as the kind of food that is eaten, genetic predispositions, and specific underlying medical disorders. Eating foods high in purines, such shellfish, red meats, and alcohol, may cause the body to produce more uric acid. In addition, people with a family history of illnesses like gout or kidney disease may be more susceptible to high uric acid levels.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms of High Uric Acid Levels?

  • Pain in legs and joints
  • Unusual swelling and inflammation
  • Redness in ankles, knees, wrists, and elbows

Ayurvedic Remedies To Reduce High Uric Acid Levels In The Body Naturally

There are times when managing elevated uric acid levels, which can cause health issues such as kidney stones or gout, doesn’t require medication. Ayurveda offers natural remedies that can efficiently lower uric acid, such as morning beverages.

Lemon Water On Empty Stomach

One of the easiest ways to naturally lower uric acid levels is to start your day with a warm glass of lemon water (nimbu paani). Lemons are a great source of vitamin C, which supports healthy kidney function and acts as a uric acid neutralizer. Lemon water also acts as a detox beverage that helps you stay hydrated and eliminate toxins from your body.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant supplement that can help with a variety of odd health issues. Taking an ACV shot first thing in the morning can also help keep the pH balance of the body in check and prevent uric acid accumulation. How should it be consumed? All you have to do is drink a solution made from a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and water every day.

Green Celery Juice Every Morning

Celery juice, strongly recommended in Ayurveda for lowering uric acid levels, is a valuable supplement to your regimen. Celery contains substances that function as diuretics, increasing the production of urine and assisting in the removal of uric acid. Every morning, sip on some fresh celery juice for a purifying impact.

Ginger Tea

Adrak, often known as ginger, has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce inflammation brought on by elevated uric acid levels. Ginger tea made from fresh ginger root helps relieve swelling and joint pain, which are frequent in diseases like gout.

Amla Juice

Drinking Amla or Indian gooseberry juice first thing in the morning can boost your immunity, lower inflammation, and naturally lower your uric acid levels. Amla juice, which is bursting with vitamin C and antioxidants, is easy to make and tastes tart and energising.

Cucumber Water

Cucumber is one of the best summertime superfoods, and there are good reasons for this! Numerous health advantages of this fruit include controlling uric acid levels. Drinking a glass of cucumber water first thing in the morning is said to help your body eliminate toxins. All you have to do is chop some mint leaves and cucumbers and put them in a jar with water. Drink a detoxifying beverage first thing in the morning to help your body get rid of extra uric acid.

Coriander Seed Soaked Water Before Breakfast

Dhaniya ke beej, another name for coriander seeds, is a popular Ayurvedic plant that has diuretic properties. These seeds are useful in Ayurveda for people with elevated uric acid levels. To make, bring these seeds to a boil in water, then allow the infusion to settle before drinking. This can improve kidney function and lower uric acid levels over time.