Foods For Bloating & Constipation: Two common digestive discomforts that a lot of individuals have are bloating and constipation. Bloating, which is characterised by an abdomen-wide feeling of fullness or swelling, and constipation, which is indicated by difficult or infrequent bowel movements, can both significantly impair quality of life.

However, by incorporating particular superfoods into your diet, you can lessen these symptoms and promote a healthier digestive tract. You should include these superfoods in your diet to avoid constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues.

Best Foods For Bloating And Constipation

1. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are an excellent source of dietary fibre, with around 10 grammes of fibre per ounce. Fibre helps to promote regular bowel movements and avoid constipation by giving the stool greater volume and facilitating its passage through the intestines.

2. Ginger

Ginger has anti-inflammatory qualities that may help reduce pain and bloating. It also speeds up digestion by increasing gastric motility, which causes food to move through the digestive tract more quickly.

3. Green Leafy Vegetables

Digestive issues can be soothed by eating leafy greens like spinach, kale and Swiss chard that are high in water and fibre. These vegetables’ water content softens stool and prevents constipation, and their fibre content encourages intestinal regularity.

4. Apples

Apples contain soluble fibre called pectin, which helps regulate bowel movements and reduce constipation. Pectin also promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which may improve digestive health.

5. Beetroot

Beetroots are widely recognised for their natural laxative properties because of their high fibre content. Consuming beetroots on a regular basis can promote regular bowel motions and help avoid constipation. Beets are also good for detoxification and liver health. They also reduce bloating and improve digestive health in general.